Judge CV
Dogs have been my partners actually my whole life. Have been Rough Collie breeder since 1990 under prefix Lidok`s and have bred national and international Champions.
In Cynology I have been actively involved since 1994. During periods have had different functions as: president of Slovenian British Sheepdog Club, present president of the Slovenian Club for FCI 1 breeds – Klub 1, have been member of Breeding Committee for British Sheepdogs, Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs, Belgian Shepherds, Dobermann, Rottweiler, Great Danes, Spitzs, worked as Secretary of the Slovenian Kennel Club, been ivolved in organizing shows under patriot of Slovenian Kennel Club and Special Shows of our Club.
Have been a judge since 2002 when I passed my first exam for Rough Collie. Nowaday I have a licence to judge all breeds of FCI 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 groups. Have been judging almost in All European countries, Australia and South Africa. I always feel honoured judging Speciality Shows. I judged a Speciality Show for Collies in Finland, Estonia, Denmark, it was really enjoyable to judge the Speciality Show for Shelties in Australia.